It is our responsibility to fulfill all the time with quality specifications that we agreed with our customers, as part of the strategy to get the previous one, we permanently promote the quality life and mysticism service in our personnel. Additionally, our quality assurance system is certified since 1998 by the ISO 9001: 2008 Standard.
It is our compromise preserve the environment, we have a treatment system and reuse water through close cycle process, accomplishing with the current ecological normativity and certified with the standard ISO 14001:2004
We are committed with the safety and healthy of our personnel. It is for this reason that we work through IPER methodology in which are identify the risk in a work place, after that are evaluated and finally we establish a control mechanism according the necessity, to prevent and minimize the risk. We are accomplishing with the normativity and we are certified with the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard.